Its the peak summer days makes us feel tired all the time. Drinking plenty of water and other cool drinks will give some kind of relief. Since its too hot outside, we prefer having more of juice and milkshakes these days instead of tea and coffee. These home made cool drinks are good for our health more than tea and coffee!
My daughter is a big fan of strawberries these days. Whenever we insist her to have some fruits, she demands for strawberries! So whenever I have more strawberries in the fridge, I will preserve some in the freezer for her emergency needs! And sometimes, those fruits will be used to prepare delicious milkshakes just like this!

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Servings: 2
Difficulty level: Easy

Strawberries (fresh / frozen) - 250 gm
Cold milk - 300 ml
Sugar - 2 to 3 tbsp or to taste
Ice cream - 2 tbsp

Clean the strawberries and chop them roughly.
Combine sugar and chopped strawberries in a mixie or blender and make a smooth paste. Add little milk, if needed.
Once its blended nicely, add the remaining milk and blend it till everything is combined well.
Finally, add ice cream and blend it for half a minute.
Thats all, delicious Strawberry milkshake is ready to serve!

If you want to reduce the quantity of milk, use 200 ml milk and 100 ml of water.

Gadbad Ice cream is a famous dessert of Karnataka. As I read in Wiki, its the signature dish of a ice cream parlour based at Mangalore. Me and my Hubby both are big fans of Gadbad Ice cream. Every time we visit our native place Sirsi, we will visit the ice cream parlour at least 2 - 3 times just to enjoy Gadbad Ice cream!
Layers of chopped fruits, ice cream jelly, dry fruits and nuts make this ice cream delicious and rich in taste. I love to prepare Gadbad Ice cream at home when I have ripened mangoes in my pantry. Try this delicious ice cream and let me know your feedback!

Preparation time: 30 - 35 minutes
Refrigeration time: 1 hour
Servings: 2
Difficulty level: Medium

  • Ripened mango - 1
  • Apple - half slice
  • Banana - 1
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Raisins - 3 tbsp
  • Broken cashews - 4 to 5 tbsp
  • Cherries (for decoration) - 2
  • Tutti frutti (optional) - 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Ice cream - as required

  • Chop apple, mango and banana finely. Combine them in a mixing bowl. Add around 2 tbsp of sugar or according to taste. Mix it well and keep in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Meanwhile, dry roast the broken cashews into golden brown and keep aside.
  • Take 2 serving glasses. Add one layer of chopped fresh fruits in both the glasses. Top it with raisins and cashews. You can also add tutti frutti. Add around 2 tbsp of ice cream on its top. Repeat these layers again one or two times as per your wish. 
  • After you add the final layer of ice cream, garnish it with raisins, cashews and tutti frutti. Top it with cherry and serve immediately.

  • Orange, sapota (chikkoo) and pineapple fruits also go well for this ice cream. Fruits which I have mentioned in the recipe are not compulsory; You can try it with your favorite combo of fruits.
  • You can add different flavors of ice cream for each layer to make it rich and more colorful.

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